I posted my reading goals in another post and since then I have hardly read a thing! I decided I needed a weekly reading plan. Each day I have decided which books (and sometimes how many pages) I will attempt to read. I am already technically two days behind.
Best laid plans of mice and men...*
I tried to organize them so that I will be reading a diverse range of books, not all in the same subject matter. I imagine there will be days that I fail at this miserably. I'm okay with that. If I decide that on a particular day I do not wish to read a political science book, I will instead read an "other" book, I absolutely will!
H= History
E= Education
BC= Book Club
M= Math
N/S= Nature/Science
O= Other Reading
PS= Political Science
⌤= Alternate between two titles
Bible gets no designation. It needs none. 💖
Bible reading (Bible app, daily reading is set)
H - Bauer- 7 pages
⌤BC/E - CM Vol 3
⌤BC/E - CM Vol 4
N/S - Lehner 2-3 chapters
H - GRH reading for week**
H - EEH reading for week**
Bible reading
H - Bauer- 7 pages
⌤BC/E - Hicks- scheduled pages
⌤BC/E - Witt & Wiker- scheduled pages
H - ERRH reading for week**
BC - WLC Book club - roughly 1/4 of book
⌤M - Orlin- 15 pages
⌤M - Bellos- 15 pages
Bible reading
H - Bauer- 7 pages
N/S - Gooley- 2 subheadings min.
O - Substack- 1 article min.
BC/PS - Ellul- scheduled pages
H - EARH reading for week**
Bible reading
H - Bauer- 7 pages
H - GDCW reading for week**
N/S - Horvitz 1/2 chapter
O - Substack 1 article min.
N/S - Old Farmer's Almanac
Bible reading
H - Bauer- 7 pages
H - Larson
⌤M - Orlin 15 pages
⌤M - Bellos 15 pages
O - Hawke
BC/PS - Propaganda
Bible reading
H - Bauer- 7 pages
O - Gooch- 10 pages
⌤BC/E - CM Vol 3
⌤BC/E - CM Vol 4
⌤BC/E - Hicks scheduled pages
⌤BC/E - Witt & Wiker scheduled pages
O - Substack
Bible reading
H - Bauer- 7 pages
O - Fleming
open - catch up
*I believe that is from Grapes of Wrath, which I have never read. Feel free to correct me!
**These are for my online classes. GRH is Greeks & Romans History (Augustus Caesar's World, Story of the Greeks, Story of the Romans); EEH is Early English History (Birth of Britain); ERRH is English Renaissance & Reformation History (The New World); EARH is Early American & Revolutions History (The Age of Revolution, A History of the American People); GDCW is Great Democracies & US Civil War (Great Democracies, A History of the American People)
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